Sunday 8 September 2013

Week 3

Typing this Sunday night because I am a busy bee.
Seriously though my weekends are so full of work. Last night I went out for dinner and I brought my computer with me. Today I was out from morning to evening and I brought my computer with me again. Wherever I get to stop and work, I stop and work. #iblyfe

This is going to be a quick post though because I have not showered.
This week was pretty average, nothing special. I did make lots of microwave buns though.
Went to a KCL presentation on Wednesday though and they seem pretty good!
38 is the IB requirement for law, and they also have a LLB course that is 2 years in KCL and 3 years in HKU!

One thing that I was a bit unsure about was a letter we had to write for English lit lang.
It's meant to be a response to a text called 'Language as a Prison' but I just don't know how to phrase is properly according to guidelines and everything.
But it's okay I'll try to figure something out.

Last thing about CAS.
Every year there's a 24 Hour Race/Running to Stop the Traffik which is basically a relay-style race that is to raise awareness and money for human trafficking. So I got chosen to be team leader this year! I went to my first meeting on Saturday and nothing much going on yet, I just need to have a running team by start of october. And lucky me, I posted on our school Facebook page yesterday, and I already have quite a few people, I just need one more girl.
I hope that this doesn't get disapproved because of our new charity system at school though.

Anyways, that's it for now, time to shower and sleep.

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