Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Kickboxing 1

I had my first kickboxing class last night and it was bloody intense. For me anyways.
I actually found out about these classes through google. I just googled 'hong kong youth sports' and ta da! This kickboxing class I'm taking is not only 'youth' though, it's 16+ but I don't mind.

The class is 7.30-8.30 which is a bit late but not too late I guess.
There are about six people in my class, including myself.
We started off with some warm ups and honestly it wasn't even super intense and hard warm ups, it was jogging, squats, more jogging, but I was already so tired after.

After the warm ups we did the proper moves!
I don't remember the proper terms at all, so lets just say we did lots of punching, down to up punching, left to right punching etc. (terminology is not my forte, especially in a cantonese speaking class)
We also did lots of kicks and different sorts of stepping and things like that.
To sum it up, my front thighs are aching, my triceps aching, but not too much, and just overall fatigue.
(my thighs though.. crazy..)

After class I asked my instructor for her details but forgot to get her email so I still can't add kickboxing as a CAS activity on ManageBac..

That's it for now, week 3 review coming soon!

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